“Where are the Mordecais?”

“Where are the Mordecais?”


I heard the Lord say, “Where are the Mordecais? Who will make a bold and courageous stand for Me, when it is neither convenient nor popular? Who will be fearless in the face of death? I am elevating those who will stand strong and resist the temptation to compromise. The time of passivity has passed. I’m asking for you to step forward. Be My Mordecai. Stare threats in the face and flinch not, because you know that I am with you. I promise to protect, preserve, and promote those who refuse to bow to what I have cursed. I blessed My servant when he feared and loved Me more than the riches and prestige of the world. My promise is to all you present-day Mordecais that I will safeguard and supply for you as I did for him so many years ago.


The time has come to make bold moves of faith and to not to shrink back in fear. Put your trust in Me and My unfailing promises. Crossover. Occupy. War with every promise that I have made to you. The current circumstances and reports do not intimidate your God, for I am the God of the impossible. Do not be discouraged by the challenges and obstacles that lie before you. I am with you! Keep your eyes on Me. Do not allow the distractions of the enemy to steal your gaze. It is necessary for you to have clear prophetic vision. This is a critical hour. It is your time!”


Prepare yourself for the Mordecai-Haman reversal. The Haman to whom I refer was a wicked advisor to the King of Persia in the days of Esther. He had the same anti-Christ spirit that is alive and well today. He deeply desired to destroy God’s people. His burning hatred was sparked by one Jew, Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, who refused to bow to him. The boldness and faithfulness of Mordecai to his God, served only to fuel Haman’s hatred of him as well as to expand it to include the entirety of his race: the Jews. A demonic agenda grew in the heart of Haman to exterminate the vast  population of the Jewish people. Haman plotted and schemed, and eventually manipulated the king into issuing an order to slaughter all the Jews within his empire on a day that Haman had chosen.


But God had another plan, and it was in direct opposition of Haman’s plan! The Lord’s plan involved an issue of an order as well. The order that God issued was to save the Jews on the very day they were marked for extermination! God used a woman whose name was Esther during that evil time. She had been placed by God in her queenly position “for such a time as this” (Est.4:14). Esther was God’s hidden weapon, for no one knew she was a Jew. Queen Esther made a choice to intervene for her people, saying, “If I perish, I perish” (Est.4:16). Her resolve of purpose prompted an unscheduled appearance before the king in his royal court. It meant her life if he refused her. God, though, granted her favor with the king, and he welcomed her into his presence, asking her desire. She told him she would tell him after he and Haman came to her private banquet, which invitation was extended to three nights.


On the third night of the banquet, Esther exposed Haman to the king, revealing his devious plot. When the king realized he had been tricked by his cunning advisor, he burned with wrath, and the Jews’ official deliverance was set in motion. It began with the king ordering that Haman and his sons be hung on the very gallows that Haman had built for Mordecai’s execution. It ended with the king issuing another order, granting the Jews the ability to defend themselves on that certain day that was appointed for their annihilation.


Haman’s plot to destroy Mordecai turned on him, and instead of God’s chosen being destroyed, it was Haman who was destroyed by the very instrument designed for Mordecai’s destruction. In other words, the destroying instrument destroyed the destroyer! And so will it be for you! God has already issued the order for your deliverance, too, as He did for the Jews so long ago. Angels are being dispatched even now. Fear not, for you will be rescued and God’s justice will rule in your favor. You will reap a harvest of blessing.


“7 Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. 8 Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. 9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up (Gal. 6:7–9, NLT).




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